Archive for the ‘People of ESMA’ Category

Furry and frightened: Fate of abandoned pets amid Egypt’s economic crisis (featuring an interview with ESMA founder Mona Khalil)

Thursday, January 18th, 2024

Jusoor Post » Furry and frightened: Fate of abandoned pets amid Egypt’s economic crisis

Collaboration with Grand Egyptian Museum

Tuesday, September 12th, 2023

ESMA is pleased to announce the Grand Egyptian Museum’s (GEM) collaboration with the Egyptian Society for Mercy to Animals (ESMA) . The partnership includes the collection, sterilization, vaccination of animals within the premises of GEM and surroundings, aligning with Orascom construction’s commitment to the community and environment.

We would like to extend our gratitude to the BESIX-Orascom construction team for their efforts in following internationally approved scientific and merciful procedures to ensure the safety and protection of environment, the people as well the cats and dogs in the vicinity of the GEM.

يسعد الجمعية المصرية للرحمة بالحيوان ان تعلن عن بدء التعاون مع المتحف المصرى الكبير فى اطار تنفيذ استراتيجية 2030 وتطبيقا لمبادئ الرحمة والرفق بالحيوان ومن منطلق التعبير الحقيقى عن مبادئ الحضارة الفرعونية المتمثلة فى المكان وحفاظا على البيئة وسلامة الانسان والحيوان من خلال تطبيق مشروع للتعقيم والتطعيم للحيوانات بحيز وداخل المتحف وتعاونا مع شركتى بى سيكس واوراسكوم للانشاءات الملتزمين بتطبيق كل مبادئ الحفاظ على اللرفق بالحيوان

ESMA Volunteer Writes Book About Rescue With All Proceeds Going To ESMA

Wednesday, December 15th, 2021

American ESMA volunteer Josh Hines has written a book about his baladi dog named Sphyncus. ESMA helped him rescue this dog in 2010 and afterward he became a volunteer and fund raiser. The book is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. All proceeds go to ESMA.

Mohamed Salah to auction Old Trafford hat-trick shirt to raise funds for animal charity

Monday, November 22nd, 2021

Liverpool superstar Mohamed Salah has announced on Twitter that he will be donating the shirt he wore in Liverpool’s 5-0 demolition of Manchester United to an animal charity in Egypt for auction.


Friday, January 22nd, 2021


ESMA signed the first official government Agreement with the municipality of Sheikh Zayed in Giza Egypt on 23 December 2018. Although many big efforts were done by rescue groups in Egypt with TNR but ESMA through the Egyptian federation for Animal welfare managed to apply and get official agreement for the first time where no poisoning or killing of Animals would take place.

Along 24 months we were able to Neuter/ Spay/ Vaccinate 3449 dogs

Agreement was signed

Number of Males done 2003

Number of Females done 1446

Number of dogs Vaccinated against rabies with Defensor 3 vaccine 3449

Number of catchers 8

Number of vets 5

Number of vet assistants 6

Fatalities 13

Number of dogs that had to be kept at ESMA facilities 107

Markings : Orange ear tag from start of campaign till Feb 2020 where we noticed some of the ear tags got broken or were easily snatched and started using yellow round ear tags till today.

Methods of Catching : Blow pipe, Net, hand handling.

The first year showed decrease in complaints and reports from hospitals for people receiving rabies vaccine shots by 48% according to the municipality.

The Second year showed decrease in complaints and reports for hospitals for people receiving rabies vaccine shots by almost 80% according to municipality.

Method of working , started with 3 months of monitoring to decide for mass gathering areas and then by complaints and reports from the complaints department of the municipality.

Responding has to be done in 48 hours and reported back to the municipality.

The board of trustees appointed its deputy to monitor and follow the project in addition to staff of the environment and engineering department from the municipality.

Monthly report is delivered to municipality with number and areas of work and report of remarks.

Big change in the response and attitude of citizens of Sheikh zayed could be noticed after the first six months of work , by the end of first year we had people from the area helping the Catching team.

After submission of the two years work report Board of trustees of Sheikh Zayed and the municipality renewed the agreement for a third year starting January 2021.

Number of dogs operated included dogs from close areas outside Sheikh zayed where we had to operate them as they roam in and out of the designated area and affected the increase of numbers reported and monitored by both official team and the TNR team.

Special thanks and appreciation and gratitude goes to the late Mr. Ahmed Sherbiny the first head of the Egyptian Federation for Animal welfare in Egypt for supporting and guiding for this project and all his help that was a corner stone for the success of this project.

ESMA proudly joined efforts with our colleagues and partners ESAF during the first year in catching and operating the dogs and continued to partner for the second year in the catching and still cooperates for the third year to demonstrate how group efforts can achieve great work.

Unfortunately the second year of the project was planned to do awareness and education in public schools to go parallel with TNR project but the COVID 19 state did not allow such much needed step to be achieved.

Many thanks goes to people and organizations that supported our project and allowed us to continue and work and achieve such success on the ground and we look forward to our third year of work to be able to achieve our goal for the first official governmental project with the Egyptian NGOs working in Animal welfare.

Miracle’s Mission

Susan Rosenberg

Dominique Rousselle

Janis Rosenthal

Jackie Sherbiny

Mayssa Ahmed El Hefny

Yasmin Jarbou

Susie Nassar




New interviews with ESMA founders Mona Khalil and Bahra Fahmy

Saturday, March 31st, 2018

Cairo Scene interview with ESMA founder Bahra Fahmy

Friday, March 16th, 2018

PHASE – ESMA joint bazaar on Saturday 8th June 11.30 am – 5.30 pm

Saturday, June 1st, 2013

PHASE – ESMA joint bazaar on Saturday 8th June 11.30 am – 5.30 pm

This event brings the two societies together under one roof helping both human and animal victims of neglect, abuse and trauma.  Come visit us, find out more about both societies, meet the people involved, join, sponsor or donate if you wish, and at the same time pick up some great bargains (all proceeds go to P.H.A.S.E and E.S.M.A).

At P.H.A.S.E.’s premises:

32 Road 103 ::: Maadi ::: Phone 0100682388/01008995878/25283952

Hope to see you there for the sake of ‘All God’s Creatures’

(Donated items gratefully accepted to sell to raise funds at the event) 


Ramadan Iftar at ESMA

Saturday, August 25th, 2012

Although Ramadan is over, we wanted to share a few images from our ESMA iftar (meal to break the fast) that was held in the courtyard of the Shabramont cat shelter. Breaking the fast with friends and loved ones is one of the best aspects of Ramadan, and this evening was no exception. It is very rare that the people who keep ESMA going day to day are able to sit down together in a social setting, and so this was a great opportunity for the ESMA board, shelter workers, vets and volunteers to bond over some homemade Egyptian food.

Sitting down to eat together

Dr. Karim el Demerdash and Dr. Karim Hegazi with senior shelter worker Walid Ibrahim

Mona Khalil makes sure that everyone’s plate is full


The human faces of ESMA: film director Sherif Amasha takes a starring role with Egypt’s neediest horses

Sunday, August 19th, 2012

Although you may be familiar with the animals ESMA helps, you may not know so much about the people who make our work possible. This month we are introducing a feature on our blog where we will introduce the “Esmarians” behind ESMA, highlighting a new face each month.

An independent film director and instructor at the Higher Institute for Cinema in Cairo, Sherif Amasha has a deep love of animals.  He joined ESMA’s circle of volunteers just before the revolution, in December 2010. At that time, no one anticipated the revolution that would begin just the next month, nor did anyone imagine the chain of events that would result in a massive crisis at the horse stables near the Pyramids when the revolution brought the flow of tourists to Egypt to a complete halt.

Horses line up for treatment in the shadow of the Pyramids

The owners of the stables tend to view their horses as commodities, not living creatures with their own rights, and when tourists stopped coming to ride their horses, they simply cut way back on the level of feeding.

ESMA stepped into the quickly deteriorating situation to provide relief to thousands of horses, and many of you made these very expensive efforts financially possible.   What you might not have known was that once ESMA board member Susie Nassar got this program off the ground and running, it was Sherif who stepped into the leadership role to continue and coordinate ESMA’s horse feeding intervention and make it all possible.

Sherif examines a horse at Nezlet El Samman

This challenging role includes not only buying and packaging the feed, scheduling volunteers, setting up and supervising the distribution station, but, most importantly, working to establish a relationship of trust with the horse owners so that they will begin to listen to our advice on care and treatment.  Sherif has always maintained that developing these relations is the key to improving welfare for these animals. Read more about Sherif and ESMA’s work with these horses in this excellent article by Ingrid Wassmann from El Ahram weekly.

For the last six months, ESMA has continued this program in partnership with The Brooke, and we hope that when our current Memorandum of Understanding with The Brooke ends, it will be willing to renew the agreement to continue working together since these horses are not yet being taken full care of by their owners.

Sherif with members of the ESMA and Brooke team