Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

From the sands of Cairo to the beaches of Miami: Mazloom’s amazing journey

Tuesday, August 21st, 2012

In November 2011, a dog we later named Mazloom was found on the streets of Cairo with grave injuries to both back legs.  We thought we had seen it all, but this was one of the worst cases we treated, and no one could even imagine what might have happened to him.  Mazloom underwent a double amputation and a long recovery at the ESMA shelter.   Some called for him to be euthanized but we knew from our experience that he had a good chance for a healthy and fulfilling life with the right adopters.  A long time supporter of ESMA, Tanya Mahrous of Atlanta, Georgia, and her family saw him on our facebook page and decided to open their home to Mazloom as foster parents in spring 2012. They created his own facebook page that was constantly updated with photos and videos showing his amazing progress and personality. He caught the eye of Catherine MacDonald of Miami, Florida  and Mazloom recently settled into a happy life with his new family there.  Mazloom has a better life than we ever dreamed was possible.

Don’t miss these other amazing videos of Mazloom on his youtube channel:



Visit us at Harrods on May 28 and 29

Tuesday, May 24th, 2011

We are holding a fundraiser on Saturday, May 28 from 10am to 6pm and on Sunday, May 29 from noon to 6pm. Please come visit us on the fourth floor at Pet Kingdom. For more information, please contact Julie Dodd at [email protected]

See the Results of our Protest at the Giza Zoo

Tuesday, April 19th, 2011

Last Saturday, ESMA and other groups protested in fromt of the zoo to raise awareness for animal welfare both in the zoo itself and in Egypt generally.

See all of our pictures here on our Facebook page

Protest at Cairo Zoo on April 16

Sunday, April 10th, 2011

Media contact: Mona Khalil FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Tel. +0122188823, [email protected]

Societies, Individuals Unite to Demand Investigations into Corruption, Illegal Practices and Mistreatment of Animals in Egypt

On Saturday a coalition of Egyptian animal welfare societies and activists have called for a protest on Saturday the 16th of April at 11 am outside the Cairo Zoo in Giza. The protest will be held in front of the main gate of Giza Zoo overlooking the Roman Gate and Bridge. Among the organizations participating are ESMA (Egyptian Society for Mercy to Animals), ESAF (Egyptian Society of Animal Friends, AWAR (Animal Welfare Awareness Research), Group, along with individual animal rights activists, supporters, and other concerned Egyptians.
According to Mona Khalil, ESMA co-founder and Board Chair, “The way Egypt treats animals is a shame. The Giza zoo is a national disgrace, Egypt has become known as a hub of the international illegal trade in wildlife, and the municipal policy of controlling street animal populations by shooting and poisoning is deplorable. Pet breeding and pet shops are part of an unregulated and illegitimate industry in which humans exploit animals for commercial gain, yet do not pay taxes or benefit the Egyptian economy. At the root of all this is a not only systemic corruption but also policy failure, as Egypt is lacking even the basic animal welfare legislation that would enable the prosecution of violators. Some will say that now is not the time to ask for animal’s rights, when human rights are still being violated. But actually there is no better time, as Egypt is trying to build a more just and humane society for all its inhabitants.”
Among the demands of protesters are an investigation into corruption in the Ministry of Agriculture’s General Organization for Veterinary Services and into mismanagement if the Giza Zoo, as well as an investigation into corruption in the Ministry of Agriculture staff and vets at Egypt’s ports and airports, and the removal of those responsible for systemic corruption and illegal and inhumane activities from their posts. They also demand that the new Egyptian government stop the widespread practice of shooting and poisoning street animals to reduce their population, calling for the adoption of more humane population control policies such as TNVR (Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Release), which has been successfully implemented in other developing countries such as India.
In addition, protestors are demanding that the pet breeding and pet shops industries be regulated and forced to adhere to a guideline for basic animal welfare standards, including proper humane treatment and veterinary care of breeding animals, and acceptable housing conditions (shelter, food and water) for animals at pet shops and breeders.P
Protesters are also calling on the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs, to make sure that Egypt is adhering to the international CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) agreement, calling for the removal of its office from Giza zoo and for an end to the illegal trade in primates, reptiles and other exotic animals that are sold on the black market to theme parks, individuals, and pet stores.
Finally, they are asking for the passage of animal welfare legislation which will provide a legal standard for humane treatment of working animals, zoo animals and wildlife, animals at breeders and pet shops, as well as humane standards of slaughter or livestock. Without laws being passed, there are no legal consequences for animal cruelty and mistreatment, so animal welfare policy and legislation are critical.

Use Facebook to help ESMA raise money

Friday, March 11th, 2011

ESMA thanks IFAW for a generous grant

Monday, March 7th, 2011

We thanks the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) for a grant that has helped us to cover our additional expenses at this difficult time.  Thank you IFAW!  For more information on IFAW’s efforts worldwide, see

The Worldwide Veterinary Service sends a team to Egypt

Monday, February 21st, 2011

Read the report of Dr. Luke Gamble on the current situation.

Egypt welfare assessment report

Harrod’s in London will host ESMA fundraiser Feb. 12 and 13

Saturday, February 5th, 2011

Please let your friends in London know–we will be raising funds in the pet section of Harrod’s in central London from 11am to 7pm.  Our UK supporters will have a table set up with information about ESMA and will be collecting donations.  This is a wonderful opportunity for us at this difficulty time, so please help us spread the news.

Here are two posters that our UK supporters will be displaying at the event (click to enlarge)

The tragic results of breeders and pet shops

Tuesday, January 25th, 2011

On the 17th of January 2011, I received a phone call from a friend and fellow animal lover about a 5 month old Great Dane puppy that had been rescued from a pet store. The poor baby was suffering from an advanced case of canine distemper, as well as pneumonia, and was merely skin and bones when she arrived at my house.

My fiancee Laura and I dedicated our lives to caring for her, giving her injections, IV solutions, and force feeding her regularly, as she was too weak to eat on her own. In the process of tending to her needs, we failed to realise how deeply in love with her we had fallen.

One day while we sat with her keeping her company, I decided to call her “Lulla”, and for the first time since we had gotten her she looked up at me with her beautiful brown eyes. It was settled, she was our “Lulla”. We spent countless hours sitting with her and cuddling with her; the bond between us grew.

Slowly but surely, “Lulla’s” condition started to improve as she fought the distemper, and she slowly started to become more active; a ray of hope. However, she had her good days and her bad.

This morning we decided she needed to go for a walk, to see the sun, and to feel the wind on her face. Surely this would give her the will to live; the will to fight. As we strolled through the gardens by my house, I saw what i could only describe as a smile on her beautiful white and grey face.

Later today, “Lulla’s” condition rapidly started to complicate, and the discharge and fluids in her chest made it almost impossible for her to breathe. She lay her head on Laura’s shoulders, almost as if asking for help. I got the car ready to take her to the vet, and rushed out of the house with her in my arms. We weren’t fast enough. As we made our way to the car, she took in a deep breath, sighed, and became lifeless in my arms.

Our baby “Lulla” had lost the will to live, but I was not ready to stop fighting for her. I lay her down on the stairs of my house, and started to perform CPR. After 2 or 3 minutes of fighting for her, she surprised me and came back to life. She took a deep breath and looked at me with the beautiful brown eyes we had fallen so deeply in love with. 

We got in the car and raced towards the closest vet, who was making her way back to the clinic especially for us. We arrived, abandoned the car in the middle of the road, and raced up the building towards the clinic. Having arrived a few minutes before the vet, we waited impatiently, praying that “Lulla” would hold on; every minute felt like a century. 

Once again it was too late. With another deep breath and a sigh, she closed her eyes and went limp in my arms. She lost the power to fight for any longer. I attempted CPR one more time, hoping to see her looking up at me once again, but it was done; it was her time to go.

I lay on the floor next to her with my head between my knees as Laura broke into tears of disbelief. Our baby, our “Lulla”, she was gone….

Today a part of us died…

“Lulla” is just one in thousands of poor, neglected, and mistreated animals in pet stores in Egypt, and all over the world. 

Together we can put an end to this cruelty…

Say no to pet stores…

Say no to breeders…

Crocodile hunting is on the rise in Egypt

Saturday, December 18th, 2010

Crocodile hunting is on the rise in Egypt–read the full story here: